Introduction to my English portfolio (Part A)

Name: Ricardo Garcia
Degree: Computer Engineering
Semester: 9
I am writing to inform you that one day I got a bad service of the line Viva Aerobus, because the plane was delayed 4 hours in arrive.
On 2 August, I had a delay of four hours because of their bad service because the plane where I travel of Veracruz to Monterrey was delayed, so I stay waiting in the waiting room without any explanation on his part.
That error cost me having to change my plans, which was reflected in an increase in my costs, because I had to buy food at the waiting room becoming an unnecessary expense.
I'm offended by the poor service of their line viva aerobus because none of his company was kind enough to explain the reason for the delay.
I would advise your line of viva Aerobus that hire more workers or buy more planes, to avoid bad service.